Blizzard finally released the newest hero to hit Overwatch, the guardian robot named Orisa. Created by the young Numbani genius Efi Oladele, she now acts as the city’s newest protector. In the battlefield, she is a great anchor tank who can protect her teammates from enemies and can serve as an active frontline due to her disruptive ability which can use to break the enemy defense. Interested to know more about her?
Here are 8 things you should know about Numbani’s new guardian, Orisa:

- She is Overwatch’s 24th hero. Being only one month old, she happens to be the youngest hero in the roster. As a young robot, Efi does her best to teach Orisa the ways of the world and make her the hero everyone needs.
- Orisa is manufactured from the dismantled pieces of OR-15 defense robots that were destroyed during the Doomfist attack on the Numbani airport. The OR-15s were actually based from the Omnic Crisis OR-14s. They were created and programmed to protect the citizens of Numbani from any potential threats. After the Numbani airport attack, the OR-15 program was discontinued.

- Her creator Efi Oladele is an eleven-year-old Numbanian who at a young age has shown excellent knowledge in robotics and artificial intelligence. Due to her incredible talents, Adawe Foundation, a philanthropic group awarded her the prestigious “genius grant” to recognize her accomplishments. In fact, she used some of her money to buy mechanical parts for the creation of Orisa.
- Her name Orisa is not just a reference to her model number OR15, but was also taken from the idea of “orishas.” Orishas are said to spirits that serve as one of the manifestations of the Supreme Divinity in the Yoruba religion, given the fact that her creator is of Yoruba heritage.

- During Orisa’s development, Overwatch developers wanted to create an “anchor tank,” a character in which the team bases its positioning around and which the team is anchored by. Plus, the developers wanted a hero with more ranged and mobile abilities.
- It was also revealed by the developers that the inspiration of Orisa’s design actually came from the challenge that players wanted a female hero with unique visuals. One can clearly say that Orisa is Bastion’s female counterpart in the game.

- To allow Orisa to develop her own self, Efi installed a personality core on her. The personality core gives Orisa’s the ability to interact with people emotionally as well as on a logical level. It also makes her more “human.”
- Orisa is designed to be the team’s central anchor, which can defend her teammates from the frontline with her protective barrier. She can also attack from a range, fortify her own defenses, and boost the damage output of her allies to turn the tides of the battle. She is definitely a great tank to try in a match.
Orisa is now available to play in Overwatch. If you want to try her out, you can buy the game on your PC or gaming laptop at www.playoverwatch.com.