As a primary support player in MOBA games, I take pride in the heroes and champions that I play. And as a usual say, support has one of the most vital roles to achieve victory in a match. In Dota 2, many heroes can play as support. But just like in any game, some excel in a particular role. Here are Dota 2’s best support heroes:
Crystal Maiden

Crystal Maiden is a ranged support hero who excels on crowd control by using her power over ice and frost. She specializes in slowing down enemies, while her skill Arcane Aura, increases mana regeneration for all her teammates. During team fights, she can use her Freezing Field to eliminate her enemies over a wide area.

Lion, also known as the Demon Witch, is an adept hero at disabling as well as nuking his enemies. Due to this ability, he is the best hero to partner with auto-attack carries or spellcaster hero who has great ultimate skills that can finish a target. His Finger of Death can easily nuke his target, dealing incredible damage that can kill his enemy.
Witch Doctor

Witch Doctor is the known master of voodoo curses and healing arts, making him a strong support throughout the whole game. If well-positioned and skills are executed at the right time, he can quickly change the flow of the battle. His first skill, Paralyzing Cask, can stun a group of enemies and can work with disabling or initiating team fights.

OmniKnight is a melee strength hero who can do wonders on the battlefield by protecting his allies and preventing his enemies from easily killing them. He can shield his allies from damage using Repel and Guardian Angel. He is usually played as a safe-lane support, but if required by the situation, he can be played as an off-laner.

Dazzle is a support which excels in the battlefield due to his ability to heal and protect his enemies by preventing their death with the use of his skill, Shallow Grave. He is also known for his efficient physical damage-focused spells. One must remember, though, that he is an item-dependent hero so he can remain as an effective support throughout the game.

Jakiro is the Twin-Headed Dragon who controls the power of ice and fire. He is a tanky intelligence hero who can deal high amounts of magic damage. He can work as a fast and efficient lane pusher or tower sieger. Jakiro also has a large AoE control and is not an item-dependent hero. His Dual Breath and Liquid Fireworks effectively in pushing the lane.

Enchantress is a support that has a skill kit that allows her to push through lanes and gank with ease, an effective move during the early stages of the game. Her skill, Enchant, allows her to control neutral creeps and allows her to use their abilities. She can also heal herself and her allies with Nature’s Attendants, and deal damage through Impetus.
Make sure to practice them in your match. You can download Dota 2 on your PC or gaming laptop for free on Steam.