Throwback: League of Legend’s Previous Victorious Skins

victorious skins on league of legends
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As it was announced, League of Legends Season 6 will officially end on November 6, 2016. And as usual, all players with Gold to Challenger ranks will receive rewards including a Limited Edition Victorious Skin. For this year, we will be getting Victorious Maokai. There are no details yet regarding the skin aside from a teaser image that was first posted on the Chinese LoL site. So as we wait for his Skin Spotlight, let’s take a look back at the previous victorious skins released in the past.

Victorious Jarvan IV

Victorious jarvan iv on league of legends
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Victorious Jarvan IV was League of Legends’ first Season Reward Champion Skin. It was released in 2011 by the end of Season 1. Victorious Jarvan IV features a silver armor with subtle elements of gold and embellishments of sky blue crystals. Unlike the recent ones, Victorious Jarvan IV seems to be lacking the vibrant blue and gold highlights that Victorious skins are known for.

Jarvan IV is tank fighter, often used in the top lane. He works best as a great initiator with his Dragon Strike followed with Demacian Standard, and his ultimate skill Cataclysm. He’s a powerful tank to be reckoned with.

Victorious Janna

Victorious janna on league of legends
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Victorious Janna served as Season 2’s Reward Champion Skin. Similar to Victorious Jarvan IV, her design lacks the gold and blue elements. Although honestly speaking, her skin possessed one of the best designs in the collection. The skin was said to be inspired by Rosa Joanna Farrell design from Final Fantasy IV.

Janna is one of the strongest mage support in the game. Her skill kit can be used as an effective crowd control during team fights. She can easily disrupt any sudden clash with her Howling Gale and Monsoon, while her Eye of the Storm can provide a shield to an ally, saving him from any harm.

Victorious Elise

Victorious elise on league of legends
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Victorious Elise was released in 2013, and her design was what prompted the classic blue and gold theme that we know of. Similar to Janna, Victorious Elise design is dashing and has a stunning in-game look you’ll surely love. Out of all the Victorious skins, Elise was a favorite. Her spiders resemble her design and color theme as well.

Elise, the Spider Queen, is a mage-fighter often used as a jungler. She is one of the few champions with two forms, a human form, and a spider form. When on her spider form, her skill kit also changes. She works best as a “pusher” thanks to the help of her spiderlings.

Victorious Morgana

Victorious morgana on league of legends

Victorious Morgana was the skin reward for 2014. Her design shares the blue and gold theme as with Elise and Sivir, although in a darker hue. The only disturbing thing about this skin is that they transformed her corrupted wings in two-cape like blue mantle with gold borders. Other than that, her skin looks amazing.

Morgana is Kyle’s younger sister. She is a mage controller, often used as a support. When built with the right items, Morgana can be a difficult champion to kill. She also has a skill called Dark Binding that you can use to initiate ganks or disrupt the enemy from starting one.

Victorious Sivir

Victorious sivir on league of legends
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Let’s be honest, when it was announced that Victorious Sivir will be the skin reward for Season 5, not everyone was excited. Many were expecting it to be Vayne or Quinn. Victorious Sivir is the first ADR champion in the collection. Her weapon has a golden wreath-like border and is adorned with a blue similar to Victorious Jarvan spear.

Sivir, the Battle Mistress, was the first champion in the game to have a 10-point-rating for Ability Power. She is a Marksman that works well in harassing enemy champions with her skill, Boomerang Blade, and Ricochet. She is one of the oldest champions and is known as a strong attacker.

League of Legends is an online MOBA game for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS desktops and gaming laptops

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