Overwatch is one of the fastest growing online game, attracting more than 25 million players in less than a year. Developed by Blizzard for XBox One, Microsoft Windows PCs, and gaming laptops, the game is a team-based first-person shooter game where two teams composed of six players pick different heroes with specific roles: offense, support, defense, and tank.
If you’re planning to get into Overwatch, then you might want to know seven of the most used heroes in the game:

Reinhardt is the sturdiest Tank in the game, who is known for his iconic ability the Barrier Field which allows him to shield his allies and defend objectives. Although defense-oriented, he can be a deadly offensive threat if needed. His Rocket Hammer can cause high damage, while his ability Charge allows him to crush enemies against a wall. However, the player must learn to optimize his skill set even though he is solely restricted to short-range attacks.

Ana is a versatile hero whose skill set can cause her to affect heroes all over the battlefield. She is a support which happens to be a mid to long-range sniper, capable of healing and offering a fair level of damage output. Honestly, for me, Ana is one of the most overpowered heroes in the game hero that can both kill and heal at the same time. And not just that, she can also act as an anti-healer by using her Biotic Grenade which will prevent enemies from healing.

Every team needs a healer, and Mercy is the support healer anyone needs with the perfect skill set to heal and damage boost her teammate. Designed as the most healing-oriented Support in the game, she is capable of bringing her team back up to full Health or bring them back from the dead with her ultimate. However, this makes her a team dependent hero. And the fact that her personal damage is weak doesn’t help her that much in 1v1 battle.
Soldier: 76

Soldier: 76 is designed to be the most well-rounded Assault Heroes in the roster of Overwatch. He is capable of dealing both sustained and burst damage at any range and can able to sprint quickly across the battlefield. Using his Biotic Field, he can support himself and his team. He is a simple hero to learn and play, but a difficult one to master. However, if you’ve mastered Soldier: 76, you will see the full potential of his skills set.

Lúcio is another support hero in the list. Using his cutting-edge Sonic Amplifier, he can quickly attack enemies with projectiles or knock them back with blasts of sound. He is a highly mobile support hero whose uses songs to both heal his team or boost their movement speed. His aura, on the other hand, allows him to contribute damage in team fights while passively buffing his allies. He can also protect his teammates against enemy ultimates using his Sound Barrier.

Zarya is a heavily shielded tank who uses particles and gravity to create barriers to protect herself and her allies. Considered as one of the dominant Tanks in the game, Zarya can absorb damage and turn it into energy to fuel her weapons, dishing out damage back to her enemies as she defends her team. Although a challenging hero to use, she is one of the most rewarding when played and mastered well. Just remember to rely on her skill set than her health base.

A sturdy tank can both take massive damage and heal himself. Roadhog is known for his signature ability Chain Hook which allows him to pull enemies close before shredding them with the blasts of his Scrap Gun. Unlike other tanks, Roadhog playstyle is to single out weak enemies for his team to slaughter. This makes him a lackluster pick if you want to protect your teammates. That’s why you must optimize his skill sets and make him a flanker to see his full potential.